martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

150 words and glosary

 In this proyect  we archive to build the little bit more than the 50% of the final but all the team learned a lot of  new things  about de inmotic  system,also the team feels very satisfed with the results for this proyect because  we reach the main goal that was to finish almost all the proyect.

My team implemented all we learned in class about the circuits and also  electronics and magnetism, we  applied also what we learned in the programing class, we learned to use the programing language "C++ Bulider ". We not  have to finish all the rest of the components and also make all the circuit now in the  "Baquelita" to implement it in the  final built of  the inmotic rom, another thing to complete is the automation of the all components  using a programing  languages to create a interface easy to use for the patient.

Cost Item
12 Leeds

12 resistances

Female and male for parallel port

1 Buzzer

1 Protoboard

Circuit 245 and 04

White, orange and Brown paint
Bought-in parts
Tripay (60x40)
Equipment buy/hire


Cut tool
Travel/ subsistence

Total costs  $1315

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